Friday, 19 August 2011

Takano Akira Picspam!

I just can't stop my love for him!

KotAno <3 Can't stop kya-ing at Akira! Cute! I knew it! His phone is the black one! Not the white one he took in Mailmag picture! The white phone is Kotori's phone! <3

Another KotAno! Lol-ing at Akira's face! <3

YuTaka! Don't you think his face is just too cute to resist?

Do your best on your exam! So will I T-T

Now, that eyes are what I'm after! Cutesy!

Don't make that face! It is too cute! That grape looks so delicious!

So sweet! KotAno!

I think he knows alright he is the luckiest boy in the world. Who wouldn't if he is surrounded by girls and even can touch their back!

KotAno! This is cute! HEY! WHERE DID YOUR HAND GOES? Hehe!


That is all! Cute, aren't he? <3

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